Starting Saturday, October 19th, classes will be taught at 150 West 22nd Street, 2nd Floor.

Community Care and COVID-19 Guidelines

We are excited to welcome you, our dear community members into the new Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York to re-establish our connections. The safety of our community is our top priority.

We have designed a COVID policy that we think will provide the utmost safety as we begin to take classes together again. Please recognize that we all have different levels of comfort and risks to assess when taking class. See our updated guidelines below:

Institute Community Care Guidelines in addition to our COVID-19 Protocols:

  • Be mindful of the space you occupy in relation to others.
  • Be patient. Things may take a little longer. We are all adjusting and working through this together.
  • Be gentle with yourself and others as we navigate these uncharted waters.
  • Practice good personal hygiene and consider your interactions with teachers and others.
  • If you need anything or would like to share feedback, please speak with your teacher or email info@iyengarnyc.org.
  • Even if you pre-register, please do not join class in-person if you do not feel well or think you may have been exposed to COVID-19. Simply email info@iyengarnyc.org and we’ll be happy to credit you back your class.

Following the changes made to the Key to NYC Covid Guidelines, we are now ready to announce that the Boards of Iyengar Yoga and Integral Yoga, both operating out of 227 West 13th Street, have decided that as of Monday March 7, the use of masks in the classrooms during our classes will become optional.

That being said, we want everyone to be as comfortable as possible in the shared space and we respect that some people will choose to continue to wear masks in class as well as in the public areas of the building, such as the shop and check-in area.

Vaccination requirements will stay in place as before, because we feel it is essential to everyone’s safety that those who attend our classes in person as well as our staff and faculty are fully vaccinated. We will continue to monitor the guidelines and update our policy if the circumstances require.

We understand that while this will be a relief and an encouragement to many of our students who want to come to take in person classes, some of our students might feel more protected if they can continue to mask up. We want to make it clear that we are not doing away with masks altogether, but that going forward both teachers and students are free to choose whether they want to wear a face covering in class.

Please let us know if this has any unexpected impact on your ability to attend class. We are open to answer questions about this new policy, so please feel free to write to us.

COVID-19 Protocols

  • All staff, teachers, and students who enter the space will be required to be fully vaccinated (2 shots of Moderna or Pfizer or 1 shot of J&J) AND have a booster 6 months after the second dose, if eligible (current CDC guidelines recommend booster after 5 months of the second dose but we will give our community an additional 30 days since earlier recommendations were for 6 months).
  • Masks are optional for all staff, teachers and students.
  • Students are encouraged to pre-register online to reserve/secure their space before arriving for class.
  • Students are encouraged to bring their own mat if they like.
  • Students may bring a small towel for personal use to cover bolsters, blankets and blocks.
  • Windows will remain open and air purifiers will be in place in each Studio and in the changing rooms.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the space.
  • Disinfectant wipes will be provided to wipe down props if you choose.
  • Frequently used areas will be cleaned and wiped down by staff regularly each day.
  • Studios, changing areas, bathrooms and common spaces will be cleaned professionally nightly.

Positive COVID-19 Case Guidelines

We will be collecting contact information from all in-person attendees. The purpose is to allow us to notify you if we learn that you have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19. Any student who is infected or anyone identified as a close contact with someone who has tested positive may be asked to refrain from participating in any in-person classes for a period of time. If notified of a positive case, we will take all appropriate measures around cleaning, quarantining, or closing, depending on the circumstances.

While COVID-19 guidelines are in flux, we will continue to adapt and update our own guidelines accordingly. As you navigate using the space in-person, we welcome your feedback and ideas. Please send them to info@iyengarnyc.org

Student COVID-19 Policy and Guidelines

The COVID-19 pandemic had an unprecedented impact throughout the world.  Owing to federal, state and local directives, Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York (“IYAGNY”) was forced to temporarily suspend live, in-person yoga classes beginning March, 2020.  In June 2021, increased vaccination rates together with falling infection rates prompted the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention as well as New York State to lift many of the restrictions that were in place, including certain restrictions on in-person yoga classes.  New York City has since implemented its Key to NYC program that generally requires proof of vaccination to participate in various indoor activities, including indoor fitness activities.  This policy is intended to set forth IYAGNY’s policies for students for purposes of attending and participating in in-person yoga classes at any of IYAGNY’s Institutes in compliance with the current guidance.

Vaccination Status

There are currently three widely available vaccines to prevent or reduce reactions to COVID-19 infection.  All students wishing to enter any IYAGNY Institute must provide proof of full vaccination, as well as a booster shot (if the date of the last vaccine falls within 6 months of entry), before doing so.  Proof of full vaccination and booster shot must be in one of the following forms: (i) CDC Vaccination Card; (ii) NYC Vaccination Record; (iii) New York Excelsior Pass, Excelsior Pass Plus, of NYC COVID Safe; or (iv) New Jersey Docket.  Proof should be provided to the front desk representative or other IYAGNY personnel upon entry.  This requirement will not apply to students participating through online classes only.

We are cognizant that vaccination is a personal choice.  However, consistent with federal and state guidance, and NYC requirements, we believe full vaccination plus a booster shot is necessary for both the protection of everyone in our Institutes and for purposes of ensuring that IYAGNY can operate at the fullest extent permitted by law.  All IYAGNY employees and teachers who are present in an IYAGNY Institute will have been fully vaccinated and received a booster shot as well.

Social Distancing, Personal Hygiene, Personal Protective Equipment, and Testing

  • Notwithstanding vaccination status, the following mitigating and preventative measures will remain in place for all students:
  • All students must register for a class in advance and receive confirmation of their enrollment before attending class in-person.  
  • All students must sign-in upon entry to an IYAGNY Institute and include their name, email address, and telephone number.
  • All students are encouraged to wash their hands with soap and warm water or by utilizing hand sanitizer immediately upon entry into an IYAGNY Institute.  Soap and sanitizer, as well as disposable paper towels, will be readily available for use.
  • All students must wear a mask or cloth face covering that covers both the nose and mouth at all times when on the premises of an IYAGNY until such time as IYAGNY communicates in writing that this requirement no longer applies.
  • Any student who experiences COVID-19 symptoms or who otherwise experiences symptoms consistent with a transmittable illness, should not enter an IYAGNY Institute.
  • IYAGNY does not anticipate conducting medical testing or temperature screening of students prior to their entering an IYAGNY Institute or other facility.  However, IYAGNY reserves the right to do so and all students consent to such examinations as a condition of entry to an IYAGNY Institute.  

Response to Exposure or Infection

Vaccination does not provide 100% protection against COVID-19 infection and it does not necessarily prevent a vaccinated person from transmitting COVID-19 to other vaccinated or unvaccinated persons.  Accordingly, students who know they have been exposed to a person with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, who are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or who were identified as a “close contact” with someone who was infected by COVID-19 within the previous ten (10) days by any other entity, must not report to an IYAGNY Institute.

If IYAGNY learns that a student or instructor who was in an IYAGNY Institute during an infected period of a confirmed case of COVID-19, all students and instructors in attendance will be contacted by IYAGNY and informed of their potential contact with an infected person.  All such persons should monitor themselves for fever or other COVID-19 symptoms, and as set forth above, not enter an IYAGNY Institute.  IYAGNY will contact the New York City Department of Health to disclose the event and will comply with any directives that are issued in response, which may include a directive that such persons observe a ten (10) day period of quarantine following exposure.

Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures

IYAGNY will ensure that all Institute bathrooms, and commons areas are cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis.  IYAGNY will also station air purifiers throughout the Institute and will open the windows to allow circulation of outside air when weather and other circumstances permit.

The CDC has indicated that the risk of transmission through “porous,” or “soft,” items, such as blankets or bolsters, is low and, as a practical matter, IYAGNY cannot commit to cleaning such items on a daily basis.  Any student utilizing these items assumes the risk of doing so.  Students may, alternatively, bring their own “soft” items.  Beyond this, students should assume items in the Institute have not been disinfected unless IYAGNY has expressly stated as much in this or another writing.

In the event of a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 of an employee, teacher, or student, IYAGNY will make a determination, consistent with federal and state guidance, as to whether any supplemental cleaning and disinfection procedures are necessary.  In this circumstance, IYAGNY may suspend classes and other on-site activities upon short notice.

Reservation of Rights

IYAGNY anticipates that all students will readily adhere to all of these guidelines given that they are intended to benefit everyone’s health and safety and allow IYAGNY to reopen consistent with federal and New York State law.  However, in the event a student refuses to comply with any of these guidelines, or otherwise refuses a directive from an IYAGNY employee or teacher intended to promote adherence with these guidelines, IYAGNY reserves the right to refuse entry to any such student.   


As you know, the guidance issued by federal, state and local agencies changes frequently and its applicability to certain circumstances is not always clear.  IYAGNY reserves the right to modify these guidelines with or without notice as may be necessary to comply with legal and other directives.

We welcome any questions or concerns you have, and we welcome any suggestions you may have to assist IYAGNY in continuing to serve its students in a safe, healthy, and enjoyable manner.  Please direct all such matters to Executive Director, Edward McKeaney at info@iyengarnyc.org.

Iyengar Yoga
Institutes of New York
150 West 22nd Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10011

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