2022 Fall Fund

Dear Friends in Iyengar Yoga,

Even in the midst of a global pandemic, we have continued to offer the uninterrupted, inspiring and educational programming that you have come to rely on – online, in Brooklyn and now, in the West Village.

We understand how much your connection to your teachers, the teachings and practice of Iyengar Yoga enhances your everyday life. Whether you are just starting, starting over or are a long-time practitioner, –  whether you are joining us from remote regions or right next door, we look forward – every day –  to seeing your faces in the rooms of Lotus and Lavender and on Zoom.

During the pandemic. we had to close our spaces in Chelsea and Brooklyn which brought much sadness and a strong sense of loss. We are grateful to have our physical presence now at Integral Yoga’s convenient location in the West Village. But we still have a long road ahead to find our very own, new space for the flagship headquarters of IYAGNY. This year’s Yogathon, our biggest fundraising event, brought in far less than usual. We are counting on this, our Fall Fund, to help us meet our goal.

Thirty years ago, in 1992, Mary Dunn, along with other dedicated Senior Teachers and students, created the first home for Iyengar Yoga in the New York Metropolitan area. They committed themselves to have a space dedicated to the progressive, life-long learning and practice of Iyengar Yoga. They developed teachers and teachings with the highest standards devoted to serving a diverse community of practitioners. Through their tireless efforts, the Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York thrived. With your help, it can continue to do so.

We are writing today to ask for YOUR support, however small, to help us to continue our mission and programs, to build on what has been established, and what needs to be preserved.

We know how important Iyengar Yoga is to you. We want you to know how important you and your experience are to us! Here are some highlights of 2022 so far:  

  • 1,600+ students have come to class in person
  • 1,600+ students have taken online classes with us
  • 1,000+ new students have experienced Iyengar Yoga with us for the first time
  • 35 Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers from our Association Teachers are on Faculty
  • 20 Scholarships were awarded to students with financial need
  • 15 Beginners Series were offered to both new and returning students
  • 9 Special Series were programmed, ranging in topics from Healthy Knees to Finding Fluidity in your practice
  • 3 Guest Teachers from around the world brought their knowledge and experience to the IYAGNY community

In addition, we offer a FREE Community Class every other week, giving greater access to Iyengar Yoga; and remain committed to running our FREE-OF-CHARGE offerings for students living with HIV and Breast Cancer, as well as special benefits for all members and Community Events.

And while we are celebrating these accomplishments, we know we could increase our impact and expand our reach with your support.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of our students to provide a portion of the resources to keep our doors open.

Please make your tax-deductible contribution today to help secure the future of the Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York.


Ronald Groenendyk, Executive Director

James Murphy, Association Director

Iyengar Yoga
Institutes of New York
227 West 13th Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10011

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